Replace-by-Fee (RBF)
An unconfirmed transaction can be replaced by another version of the same transaction that spends the same inputs. Most full nodes support this if the earlier transaction enables BIP125 signaling and the replacement transaction increases the amount of fee paid. In terms of block chain space used, this is the most efficient form of fee bumping.
Receiving support
- Notification does not note RBF
Notification of incoming transaction does not note that the transaction is RBF signaling
- Received transaction not labeled replaceable in list
Does not visually indicate that an incoming transaction has signaled RBF
- Received transaction not labeled replaceable in transaction details
Does not visually indicate that a received transaction has signaled RBF when viewing the transaction details
- Shows original transaction only
Only the original transaction shown in transaction list. Repacement transactions not shown
Sending support
- Does not signal BIP125 replacability when sending transactions
Does not allow sending of BIP125 opt-in-RBF transactions in the interface
- Sent transaction not labeled replaceable in list
Does not visually indicate that an outgoing transaction has signaled RBF
- Sent transaction not labeled replaceable in transaction details
Does not visually indicate that a sent transaction has signaled RBF when viewing the transaction details
- No replacements in transaction list
Because no transaction replacement is possible, we could not test whether original or replacement sent transactions are shown after replacement
Click on a thumbnail for a larger image or to play its video.
Sending RBF Transaction - Default send transaction screen.
Sending RBF Transaction - Send transaction confirmation screen. Shows fees. No RBF flag. Transaction sent without RBF signaled.
Bumping RBF Transaction - Transaction not sent with RBF so no bumping possible.
Bumping RBF Transaction - After a period of time the View Transaction link shows up.
Receiving RBF Transaction - Incoming RBF transaction list. No RBF label.
Receiving RBF Transaction - Incoming RBF transaction details. No RBF label. Further transaction details are at blockcypher explorer which does not label RBF transactions.
Receiving Bumped RBF Transaction - After bumped transaction confirmed, the bumped transaction then shows up and is credited. Original transactions stays as pending. (even after 100 confirmations)